1163회 로또 당첨번호 조회 결과, 로또 복권 운영사 동행복권은 로또 복권 추첨에서 '2, 13, 15, 16, 33, 43'번이 로또 1등 당첨번호로 뽑혔다고 밝혔다.
2등 보너스 번호는 '4'이다.

[ 로또 당첨번호, 로또 1등 당첨지역, 로또 1등 당첨금 ]
1163회 복권 로또 당첨번호 '2, 13, 15, 16, 33, 43' 보너스 번호 '4'
1163회 로또 당첨번호 6개 숫자를 모두 맞춘 로또 1등 당첨자 수는 15명이다. 각각 19억3689만1150원의 대박을 얻는다.
당첨번호 5개와 보너스 숫자를 맞힌 2등 당첨자 수는 75명으로 당첨금은 6456만3039원이다.
당첨번호 5개 숫자가 일치한 3등 당첨자 수는 3천386명으로 1명 당 143만74원을 가져간다.
당첨번호 3개 숫자가 일치한 5등 당첨자 수는 279만5027명으로 1명 당 5000원을 수령한다.
로또 당첨번호 조회 결과로 수령할 수 있는 당첨금은 지급개시일로부터 1년 이내에 수령해야 한다. 지급기한이 만료된 당첨금은 복권 및 복권기금법에 따라 전액 복권기금으로 귀속되며, 공익사업을 위해 쓰이게 된다.

[ 로또 당첨확률 통계 ]
로또 추첨을 위해 필요한 나머지 5개의 번호는 당첨 확률이 높은 순서대로 12번 197회 (당첨 확률 2.420%), 27번 196회 (당첨 확률 2.408%), 33번 196회 (당첨 확률 2.408%), 13번 196회 (당첨 확률 2.408%), 43번 194회 (당첨 확률 2.383%)이다.
로또 추천 번호는 로또 당첨 확률이 높은 순서대로 34, 12, 27, 33, 13, 43 이다.

최근 50회차 기준, 로또 최다 당첨 번호는 로또 추첨 총 횟수 350회 중 12회로 7번 (당첨 확률 3.429%)이다.
로또 추첨을 위해 필요한 나머지 5개의 번호는 당첨 확률이 높은 순서대로 15번 12회 (당첨 확률 3.429%), 19번 12회 (당첨 확률 3.429%), 28번 12회 (당첨 확률 3.429%), 32번 12회 (당첨 확률 3.429%), 34번 12회 (당첨 확률 3.429%)이다.
로또 추천 번호는 로또 당첨 확률이 높은 순서대로 7, 15, 19, 28, 32, 34 이다.
[ 역대 로또 당첨번호 조회 ]
역대 로또 당첨번호 조회는 추첨일, 회차, 행운의 1등 당첨자 수, 로또 1등 당첨금, 로또 당첨번호 순이다.
25년3월8일 1162회 로또 1등 36명 823,931,021원
20, 21, 22, 25, 28, 29 / 6
25년3월1일 1161회 로또 1등 16명 1,792,657,969원
2, 12, 20, 24, 34, 42 / 37
25년2월22일 1160회 로또 1등 12명 2,509,359,875원
7, 13, 18, 36, 39, 45 / 19
25년2월15일 1159회 로또 1등 23명 1,284,854,250원
3, 9, 27, 28, 38, 39 / 7
25년2월8일 1158회 로또 1등 21명 1,394,358,197원
21, 25, 27, 32, 37, 38 / 20
25년2월1일 1157회 로또 1등 12명 2,257,842,157원
5, 7, 12, 20, 25, 26 / 28
25년1월25일 1156회 로또 1등 21명 1,505,207,090원
30, 31, 34, 39, 41, 45 / 7
복권 수탁 사업자 동행복권 로또 당첨금은 지급개시일로부터 1년 이내에 수령해야 한다. 지급 만료일이 지난 당첨금은 복권 및 복권기금법에 따라 전액 복권기금으로 귀속되어 저소득층을 위한 주거안정지원사업, 장학사업, 문화재 보호 사업 등 다양한 공익사업에 쓰이게 된다.

로또 1등 당첨결과를 확인 할 수 있는 방송은 MBC방송국 스튜디오에서 생방송으로 진행된다. 추첨을 통해 로또 당첨번호가 결정되고 그 결과를 확인할 수 있다. 로또 1등 당첨지역, 로또 판매점, 기쁨과 대박의 1등 당첨 금액과 지역은 오후 9시 이후 공개된다.
로또 추첨시간은 매주 토요일 오후 8시 35분경이다. 로또 판매시간은 평일에는 제한이 없지만, 로또 추첨일인 토요일 오후 8시에는 판매를 마감하고 일요일은 오전 6시까지 판매를 중단하니 로또 판매시간을 확인해야 한다.
로또 당첨번호와 복권이 일치하는 숫자의 개수에 따라 당첨금이 차등 지급되며, 당첨금 지급 기한은 지급 개시일로부터 1년 이내다. 당첨금 지급 마지막 날이 휴일이면 다음 영업일까지 받을 수 있다.

로또 당첨번호를 확인 후 당첨금 수령 방법은 인터넷 구입 시, 1등/2등/3등이 당첨된 경우 고액당첨내역 페이지에서 실명확인 후, 복권번호와 신분증을 지참하여 NH농협은행을 방문하면 당첨금을 수령할 수 있다. 인터넷 구입 시, 4등과 5등이 당첨된 경우 추첨일 기준 다음날 오전 6시부터 예치금 계좌로 자동 지급된다. 로또 판매점은 경기, 서울, 부산, 경북, 경남, 대구, 전북, 전남 등 전국에 있다.
1등 당첨자가 없는 경우에 해당 당첨금은 다음 회차 1등 당첨금으로 이월되지만, 연속 이월은 2회로 제한된다. 정상적으로 추첨이 진행되었으나 추첨방송 중 방송사 사정 등으로 인하여 추첨과정 및 결과가 일부 방영되지 않은 경우라도 추첨 결과는 해당 회차 당첨결과로 인정되며, 방송이 정상화 되는 즉시 별도로 공지한다.
예치금은 고객 요청에 따라 본인 명의의 금융계좌로 지급이 가능하다. 로또 판매점에서 복권을 구매한 경우 해당 로또 판매점에 당첨된 복권을 지참하여 방문하면 된다.

로또 1등 당첨금은 일시불로 지급되며, NH농협은행에서는 당첨자 인적사항을 확인하고 제세금을 원천징수 공제한 후 지급된다. 제세금 등록을 위하여 신원을 확인할 실명확인증표를 지참하시고 당첨금을 청구하여야 하고, 4등, 5등 당첨금은 인터넷 구매인 경우 예치금으로, 로또 판매점에서 구매한 경우, 복권을 가지고 로또 당첨지역의 판매점을 방문하여 현금 지급요청 시 현금으로 지급된다. 로또 판매점은 경기, 서울, 부산, 경북, 경남, 대구, 전북, 전남 등 전국에 있다.
복권 수탁 사업자 동행복권 로또 당첨금은 지급개시일로부터 1년 이내에 수령해야 한다. 지급 만료일이 지난 당첨금은 복권 및 복권기금법에 따라 전액 복권기금으로 귀속되어 저소득층을 위한 주거안정지원사업, 장학사업, 문화재 보호 사업 등 다양한 공익사업에 쓰이게 된다.
유효하게 발매된 복권은 환불이 불가능하다. 로또 당첨금 수령시 주의사항은 복권을 분실하였을 경우 당첨금 지급이 불가능하고, 복권이 훼손된 경우 복권의 1/2이상 원형이 보존되고 컴퓨터 인식이 가능한 복권에 한하여 당첨금을 지급한다. 당첨자가 청소년(만 19세 미만)일 경우 당첨금 지급이 불가하니 주의가 필요하다.
1등 당첨자가 없는 경우에 해당 당첨금은 다음 회차 1등 당첨금으로 이월되지만, 연속 이월은 2회로 제한된다. 정상적으로 추첨이 진행되었으나 추첨방송 중 방송사 사정 등으로 인하여 추첨과정 및 결과가 일부 방영되지 않은 경우라도 추첨 결과는 해당 회차 당첨결과로 인정되며, 방송이 정상화 되는 즉시 별도로 공지한다. 지급기한이 만료된 당첨금은 복권 및 복권기금법에 따라 전액 복권기금으로 귀속되며, 공익사업을 위해 쓰이게 된다.

According to Donghaeng Lottery, the official operator of the Lotto, the winning numbers for Lotto Draw No. 1163 are 2, 13, 15, 16, 33, and 43. The bonus number is 4.
[ Lotto Winning Numbers, First Prize Winning Locations, and Prize Amounts ]
For Lotto Draw No. 1163, 15 people matched all six numbers and won the first prize. Each winner will receive ₩1,936,891,150 (approximately 1.94 billion KRW).
The second prize, awarded to those who matched five numbers plus the bonus number, went to 75 winners, with each receiving ₩64,563,039 (approximately 64.56 million KRW).
The third prize, for those who matched five numbers, was won by 3,386 people, with each receiving ₩1,430,074 (approximately 1.43 million KRW).
The fourth prize, for those who matched four numbers, was won by 168,204 people, with each receiving ₩50,000 (50,000 KRW).
The fifth prize, for those who matched three numbers, was won by 2,795,027 people, with each receiving ₩5,000 (5,000 KRW).
Lotto winnings must be claimed within one year from the payment start date. Any unclaimed winnings will be transferred to the lottery fund in accordance with the Lottery and Lottery Fund Act and will be used for public welfare projects.
[ Lotto First Prize Winning Locations & Prize Claiming Process ]
The Lotto draw is broadcast live from the MBC studio every Saturday at 8:35 PM. The winning locations and first prize amounts are revealed after 9 PM.
Lotto tickets can be purchased at retail stores across Seoul, Busan, Gyeonggi, Daegu, Gyeongbuk, Gyeongnam, Jeonbuk, and Jeonnam.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners must visit NH Nonghyup Bank in person with their ID and winning ticket.
4th and 5th place winners who purchased online will receive their winnings automatically in their registered account.
4th and 5th place winners who purchased at physical stores must claim their winnings at the same retail location.
If there is no first-prize winner, the prize money will be carried over to the next draw, but this rollover is limited to two consecutive draws.
Lotto winnings are paid in a lump sum, and applicable taxes are deducted before payout.
Lost tickets cannot be claimed, and damaged tickets can only be claimed if at least half of the ticket is intact and can be verified by the system.
If the winner is under 19 years old, the prize money cannot be claimed.
Unclaimed winnings after one year will be forfeited and transferred to the lottery fund to support public welfare programs.
The live broadcast of the Lotto 1st prize draw takes place at the MBC broadcasting station. During the live broadcast, the Lotto winning numbers are drawn, and viewers can check the results. The winning areas for the 1st prize, the Lotto retail outlets, as well as the prize amounts for the 1st prize winners, are announced after 9:00 PM.
The Lotto drawing occurs every Saturday around 8:35 PM. Lotto sales have no restrictions on weekdays, but on Saturday, sales end at 8:00 PM before the draw, and sales are suspended until Sunday morning at 6:00 AM. Therefore, it is important to confirm the sales times of Lotto tickets before purchasing.
The prize amounts are distributed based on how many of the drawn numbers match the numbers on the ticket, and the prize can be collected within one year of the payout start date. If the last day for collecting the prize falls on a holiday, the prize can be collected on the next business day.
For those who purchased their Lotto tickets online, they can claim their winnings by going to the high-prize claim page, confirming their real name, and presenting their ticket number and ID at NH Nonghyup Bank. If the person has won 1st, 2nd, or 3rd prize, they can collect their prize directly. In the case of winning 4th or 5th prizes from online purchases, the winnings will automatically be deposited into the account of the customer’s designated account starting at 6:00 AM the day after the draw. Lotto outlets are located across the country, including in Gyeonggi, Seoul, Busan, North Gyeongsang, South Gyeongsang, Daegu, North Jeolla, and South Jeolla.
If there are no 1st prize winners in a particular draw, the prize money is carried over to the next draw's 1st prize. However, the prize can only be carried over a maximum of two times in a row. If the draw proceeds normally but the broadcasting of the process or the results is partially unavailable due to broadcasting company issues, the results will still be recognized as valid for the respective draw. Any missing or delayed broadcasts will be corrected and announced as soon as possible once the situation is resolved.
In the 1163rd Lotto draw, the winning numbers were ‘2, 13, 15, 16, 33, 43’ and the bonus number was ‘4’. There were 15 first-prize winners, each receiving 193,689,000 KRW (approximately 12.98 million KRW after tax). Among the winners, 10 selected their numbers automatically, 4 chose their numbers manually, and 1 used a semi-automatic selection. The automatic selection method accounted for the highest proportion of winners. The second prize was won by 75 people, each receiving 6,456,000 KRW (about 5.04 million KRW after tax).
Based on the odds of winning the first prize (1 in 8,145,060), it is likely to have around 15 winners per draw, which was exactly the case in this particular round. For the second prize, the expected number of winners was around 90, but only 75 people won, which was slightly fewer than expected.
The first-prize winners were from various regions, including 4 from Gyeonggi, 3 from Seoul, 3 from Chungcheongnam-do, 1 from Gyeongsangnam-do, 1 from Gyeongsangbuk-do, 1 from Busan, 1 from Incheon, and 1 from an online purchase. Gyeonggi Province once again had the highest number of winners.
Lotto prizes, including the first and second prizes, must be claimed within one year from the payout start date. If the prize is not claimed within this period, the prize money is forfeited and transferred to the national treasury. The prize can be collected at NH Nonghyup Bank's headquarters, while the fifth and fourth prizes (5,000 KRW and 50,000 KRW, respectively) can be claimed at any Lotto retail outlet across the country. The 1164th Lotto draw is scheduled for the upcoming Saturday, the 16th.
To purchase Lotto tickets, individuals can visit a nearby retail outlet or an online lottery sales site. At retail outlets, players can choose 6 numbers from a pool of 1 to 45 on the Lotto form, or they can use the automatic number generator. Each Lotto ticket costs 1,000 KRW, and up to five tickets can be purchased in a single transaction. At retail outlets, there is a limit of 100,000 KRW per person per purchase.
The Lotto draw takes place every Saturday at 8:45 PM, and the winning numbers are broadcast live. The results can be checked immediately on the official Lotto website or at retail outlets. Winners of first through fifth prizes are selected, and the prize money is distributed based on the prize category. To win the first prize, players must match all six numbers, and the prize is divided among any co-winners.
The prize collection process is simple. For smaller prizes under 50,000 KRW, players can claim their winnings directly at any retail outlet. However, for prizes greater than 50,000 KRW, winners must visit NH Nonghyup Bank, bringing their ID and the winning ticket. For prizes of 300 million KRW or more, a separate procedure is required for prize distribution.
While playing Lotto can be a fun pastime, it is important to be mindful of the potential economic burden that excessive purchasing could cause. Additionally, players should take care not to lose their ticket after purchase, as it cannot be replaced. Prizes must be claimed within one year from the announcement date.
Lotto prize numbers can be checked via the official Lotto draw broadcast, which is aired every Saturday at 8:35 PM on MBC. Any changes to the draw broadcast or timing can be confirmed on the official Lotto website. After 9:00 PM, the locations of the first-prize winners and the retail outlets where tickets were purchased are announced. Information about Lotto locations, draw times, and first-prize areas can be found in the respective articles.
Lotto tickets cannot be purchased between 8:00 PM on Saturday and 6:00 AM on Sunday, so players must pay attention to the sales times. After checking the Lotto numbers, the process for claiming prizes depends on how the ticket was purchased. If the ticket was purchased online and the winner is of the first, second, or third prize, they can visit NH Nonghyup Bank with their ID and winning ticket to claim their prize through the high-prize claim page. For fourth and fifth prizes, winnings will automatically be deposited into the winner’s account starting at 6:00 AM the day after the draw.
If the ticket was purchased at a retail outlet, the winner should visit the retail store with their winning ticket to collect their prize.
The Lotto draw is aired live every Saturday at 8:35 PM on MBC, and any changes to the broadcast or draw time can be verified on the official Lotto website. After 9:00 PM, the regions of the first-prize winners and the Lotto retail outlets are announced. You can check all relevant details on the official article. The Lotto 6/45 lottery can be purchased at any authorized Lotto terminal in retail outlets across the country, including convenience stores and other locations that have a Lotto terminal, as well as through the official Lotto website.
Lotto tickets are available for purchase every day from 6:00 AM to midnight, 365 days a year, with the exception that on Saturdays, tickets can only be purchased until 8:00 PM before the draw.
Deposited winnings can be transferred to a customer’s designated bank account upon request. If the ticket was purchased from a retail outlet, the winner must bring the ticket to the store where it was purchased to collect their prize.
The 1st prize is paid out as a lump sum, and NH Nonghyup Bank verifies the winner's identity and deducts the required taxes before releasing the payment. Winners need to bring a valid identification document for identity verification. For those who win 4th or 5th prizes, the winnings will be deposited into their accounts if purchased online. For tickets purchased at retail outlets, the winnings are paid out in cash upon the winner’s request at the respective Lotto retail outlet.
Lotto prize money must be claimed within one year from the payout start date. After this period, any unclaimed prize money is forfeited and transferred to the national lottery fund, which is used for public welfare purposes, such as housing support for low-income families, scholarship programs, and cultural heritage protection initiatives.
Refunds for validly issued Lotto tickets are not allowed. Winners should also be aware of the following points when collecting their prize: If the ticket is lost, the prize cannot be claimed, and if the ticket is damaged, the prize will only be awarded if at least half of the ticket is intact and the ticket can be recognized by the computer system. Additionally, if the winner is under 19 years old, they are not eligible to claim the prize, so age restrictions must be kept in mind.
If there are no 1st prize winners, the prize money is carried over to the next draw's 1st prize, with a maximum of two consecutive carryovers allowed. If the draw proceeds normally but the broadcast is affected by any issues, the results are still valid for that draw and will be officially announced once the issue is resolved. Any prize money that is not claimed within the specified period will be forfeited and deposited into the national lottery fund to be used for public interest projects.